
This section was written as theory before recent breakthroughs. Now largely irrelevant it explains the thinking which brought us to where we are now.

I find myself of mixed opinion on this. It feels intrinsically as though Telekinesis should be possible. Based on our previous thinking, if transfer of (T) is possible between parallel universes then it should be possible to construct those transfers in a way that could make solid items move of their own volition in the other universe. (Now it can. Quantum entanglement).

However, based on our other theory of time being circular and people in the future projecting Telepathy back into the past, that, combined with Telekinesis, would mean we’d have bits and pieces flying past our ears all over the place. Perhaps, as previously discussed, those people in the future haven’t got back in time as far as us yet. Maybe chaos ensues as soon as future (T) does arrive. Instantaneously the movement of solid objects from their set locations makes our current way of life intolerable. In fact, the arrival of Telepathy alone is likely to do just that. Once the trick is known, there won’t be just one message arriving for one person. It’s more likely to be an avalanche.

Perhaps the problem might be that signals can be transmitted back as thoughts, but moving things around is trickier?

Going back to my initial thought, maybe Telekinesis just isn’t possible. For all the millions of instances of almost receiving a telepathic thought, there doesn’t seem to be a single instance of almost generating Telekinesis.

While we do have reports of items moving apparently of their own volition, this phenomenon mainly seems to be related to matters of the occult. A place where the practitioners have a vested interest in creating that illusion either to generate donations or for taking payments to make the movements stop. And there is one constant about these Telekinetic allusions “caught on film”. That is, the objects involved never do anything abnormal. For example, a lampshade might be seen to fly across the room, but it never makes a right angle turn halfway through flight. A cabinet might be seen to shake in a corner, but not levitate, rotate and hang in mid-air. Always the illusion follows the path of standard gravitational practice. Nothing truly other worldly.

Yet intuitively one imagines Telekinesis should be possible on some level. Even if only by jumping into and out of separate universes to create the effect. Perhaps it is possible but too much trouble to bother with. And such happenings do appear to border on the occult.

One thing I very much don’t want to get involved with is the occult. Other people’s experiences seem to show some basis to it. Ouija boards appear to work universally. While the occult will likely prove to be mystical misunderstandings of a straightforward process, it’s something to be wary of.