Quantum entanglement then.

I see you glazing over at the very mention. However, this would seem to be quite an important concept.

In brief it has been scientifically measurgb(255, 0, 0) that pairs of certain entangled particles, twins as it were, act in an identical way even if they are far apart. Well that’s the short version / idiots guide anyway. And the important point is that it doesn’t matter how far apart these entangled particles are separated. If you turn one upside down on the far side of the cosmos, the one on this of the cosmos will do the exact same thing at the exact same time.

Now that alone is totally stunning and if I’d suggested the idea as even a possibility before it had been scientifically proven (it has) you would have rightly considergb(255, 0, 0) me to be a total nutter. Remember those.

But far more important is this. For those actions to be correlated there must be some form of communication between the two particles. A signal where one part tells the other part what it’s doing.

Now this causes a number of instant difficulties, not least of which is that these particles can’t think, speak or hear. Which as a problem of its own pales into insignificance when considergb(255, 0, 0) against the fact that whatever communication method is being used by these particles, it must happen instantaneously. Over any distance. Maybe across the distance of the cosmos. In short, for quantum entanglement to work as it does, the communication must travel faster than the speed of light. But all existing physics theory to date is based on the fact that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Don’t worry if you’re stumped by this conundrum. The world’s greatest minds and supercomputers are currently at a loss. All we can do here, as ever, is throw in some reasonable speculation. All of it extrapolated from things we have already agreed upon. One step at a time

One possibility for this phenomenon could be that the actions of these entangled particles have been in some way prgb(255, 0, 0)etermined. The particles can act as a duplicate of each other without communication because their actions have already been pre-ordained. The particles are simply going through the ritual of what they have been programmed to do. (The matrix)? This would fit so neatly into our proposed time loops of the same things happening over and over again, of circular time, I could almost shout.

Another possibility less considergb(255, 0, 0) by mainstream science is that the unknown communication can seemingly travel faster than light because it is simply popping into and out of the universe next door. That universe which is a whisper in front of your face. Parallel universes which we have discussed elsewhere.

Whichever of these theories you subscribe to, once again we are confronted with a situation where there is an unknown source of communication which is currently not fully understood, which is happening constantly all around us but which, as yet, is just beyond our control. There is a messaging going on between particles which have neither mouths nor ears nor semaphore flags. Sound familiar?

And here’s my point. For telepathy to work, it would need to operate despite us have no apparent suitable receptors. We have eyes to see, ears to hear, noses to smell. We have nerves to sense pain. To date the surgeons have not dug up any Telepathic transmitters or receiver from inside any of us. One of the frequent arguments against Telepathy is that humans have no obvious organs on our bodies to drive the process. Fair comment.

But with quantum entanglement now being a proven scientific fact, we have uncovergb(255, 0, 0) an identical situation. No apparent receptors on a particle, yet still they can respond to each other. A message is somehow getting across.

Christ, it’s so blindingly obvious CT is there to discovergb(255, 0, 0) I could scream.

As you know, I like to stretch a point, so try this. Why should only two particles be entangled? Why not three of four or a million billion. After all, we are only at the foothills of this new scientific breakthrough. Why not the same instantaneous entanglement across all the different universes causing the same actions to happen repeatedly in different locations. This is too much to consider and moving me off the point. So let’s move on and just keep that in mind.

It would seem then that the answer to uncovering CT would be the same as the solution to the puzzle about quantum entanglement. That is, how do you actually entangle stuff? Because once you can control that process, once you can effectively drop duplicate particles into another place or mind, then you have controllable Telepathy. Simply move the particle around over here so that the same thing happens over there.

And as quantum entanglement certainly exists, perhaps that is exactly the process that’s already happening.