One of the greatest reassurances we can possibly have about the existence of Telepathy is the mass movement currently known as Religion.

Billions of people worldwide relentlessly shadow a mixture of mysticism and superstition which hasn’t advanced overmuch since the Druids. You’d think after all this time that people would have caught on to this fantastical con. But still they tag along, following the worlds greatest triumph of hope over experience, cheerfully donating their time and money to people who have harnessed that feeling of “something being there” in order to acquire pots of their followers money. A group better known as “The church”.

Billions of people sensing the feeling of a presence which our simple minds can’t quite grasp but which we instinctively know to exist.

Sound familiar?

I would never dream to suggest that all of these people are wrong. To dismiss the combined feelings of multitudes living right across the globe throughout the centuries would rightly be considered the height of arrogance. In fact, I would say the opposite. I would say that indeed they are quite right in their sensing of a presence. It’s simply that they have been misguided.

From the very earliest age we are taught about Jesus, or the prophet Mohammed, or Vishnu, or whichever deity is most promoted by the priest of our particular region. It is therefore unsurprising that as we mature and gain a perception of there being more to life than just the physical, that we should direct those feelings towards what we have been taught in our youth. Religion. And so the great circular con trick is maintained. Powerful groups using our own intuitions to their own personal gain.

But the fact that people have been conned for thousands of years doesn’t detract from what we are saying here. All those people throughout time have indeed sensed something is available to be found. An almost universal recognition of something being there.

The followers of assorted religions are not wrong. They have simply been guided to an incorrect conclusion by charlatans.

A hundred thousand years ago the simplest of minds began praying to a sun god, a perfectly reasonable assumption at the time. This developed into the assorted religions of today. If instead they had instead achieved an early understanding of Telepathy, then Telepathy would be the topic with a billion followers today.

The same powerful presence just beyond reach.

For a presence to have been sensed by so many people over so much time. Well it can't just be dismissed can it.