Having accepted the existence of CT, there is a fundamental acceptance that thoughts can exist outside of the mind.
What that means is that they have to travel.
This raises a whole host of other questions. For instance, do thoughts die? That is, are those thoughts travelling outside of the mind similar to sound in that they gradually fade out over time and distance? Or are they more akin to light that travels forever until it encounters something to block it? Perhaps the outcome to that particular puzzle is determined by the strength of the initial thought. From everything we know, it would seem reasonable that a strong thought would last longer than a weak one, just as a sound or light beams detectability is determined by the strength of the initial output.
Which lead us to another conundrum. If thoughts do travel endlessly, then if the thoughts are in transit are you still alive after your physical body has died? That’s one for the philosophers among you. Therefore is telepathy eternal life? Was god right all along?
This would mean that the search for Controllable Telepathy is also a search for eternal life. But though I’m certain it’s possible to uncover CT, the search for eternal life is way beyond my pay grade. Let’s go back.
The next logical step to this line of thinking would be that thoughts from the dead/past/alien life would therefore still be all around us awaiting their encounter with a suitable receptor. And if we can encounter those then we would effectively have time travel. Still not the thing I’m looking for.
Then questions on longevity of thought just grow and grow. Do thoughts dissipate when someone else receives them (like light) or do they continue on (like sound)? After having been received do they continue to hang in the ether waiting to encounter somebody else or are they spent after arrival? After all, both light and sound are detectable by more than one person so why not (T)?
Perhaps thoughts are just like nano particles quantumly entangled, in that they have the ability to appear in two separate places / minds at the same time before randomly disappearing. Then they would not need to travel outside of the mind.
It’s a very interesting line of research and something to keep in mind. However, am I getting side tracked? Instead of wondering how it works I should be concentrating on just making it work. Or does knowledge of the one aid the finding of the other?