Earlier on we accepted that CT does exist and as a consequence at some point in the time line it will be discovered.

We also agreed that people will be transmitting it backwards. The problem with this is, if so, will they necessarily be transmitting it back to you? Will you be the specific target? This seems pretty unlikely unless of course you are an internationally recognised nutter.

So how to increase your personal odds of receiving a CT message? Well firstly, unsurprisingly, you will need to be listening for it. Déjà vu may well turn out to be where a Telepathic message of some kind simply bumps into you, but to have a chance of encountering CT you will need to be actively “listening.”

So here’s something to try. Sit in a quiet spot at the same time each day. Let your mind go free using mindfulness techniques and “listen.” Wait for something to strike you.

But if that was the totality of the suggestion being made here we’d be wasting each other’s time. So now add in this.

After ten minutes of listening stop, and then spend another 5- 10 minutes transmitting. Your target is yourself from the previous day. Think of yourself in that same spot at the same time of day and try to get your message across.

DO THIS EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL. You can then always be certain for a fact that someone from the future is trying to get a message through to you at a particular time and particular place. You know you are listening for something which exists rather than sitting with a hope and a prayer that something is out there being thrown randomly in your direction.

But how will you know if you have received a genuine message from the future rather than just the confusion generated by your own mind? Simple. When you spend your 5-10 minutes transmitting, try to send back the headline in today’s newspaper.

If when “listening” you find yourself in receipt of knowledge of a major event which comes to pass the next day then you have cracked it. If not, then keep relentlessly trying.

Why wouldn’t you keep trying? You will have the advantage of knowing for certain that your future self is trying to get that message across, and you are far and away the most likely person to be working on the same frequency or wavelength necessary to pick that communication up.

And don’t bother fooling yourself with using the news story of one politician shouting at another which you know is going to happen every day. Instead send that story of a kid getting hit by a bus, or the earthquake popping off in Indonesia that you couldn’t possibly have known about in advance.

As an incentive to you, if it works, you can save a lot of lives. For the selfish among you, try sending the lottery numbers. Whatever motivation that keeps you plugging away at this task every day is worth pursuing.

The reason for sharing this technique which I’ve been trying for some time is straightforward. Although I’m the guy with the ideas its highly likely there is someone out there much better at this whole process than me. Just as there are more naturally gifted football players, authors, cooks etc, someone is going to have a natural gift for receiving messages from further along the time line. It could easily be you. You will never know if you don’t try. Here I’m acting as the football club scout relentlessly seeking out that talent. It’s there, somewhere. We just have to persevere and find it.

And if you don’t mind being known as a nutter then share the idea with your friends. The more people making an effort, the more likely the chances of success. And when that success comes it will be a world shattering advance. Not just for the kid with the bus.

Isn’t that something worth putting 15 minutes a day into?