It would seem highly likely that the ghosts and ghouls of today will rapidly be recognised as equivalent to the Dragons of the past.
In medieval times people knew without doubt that Dragons existed. Just something accepted as a fact. Why? Because they had found bones and found teeth. Of course, no one had actually seen a dragon but the evidence was pretty damning. As time and technology moved forward we learned that the dragon bones were really dinosaurs and nothing to be particularly worried about. And that’s how it will prove to be with ghosts.
Once again, there is quite obviously something in the accounts of people observing apparitions. Too many individuals have had too many experiences for the concept of ghoulish spirituality to be simply dismissed. How could anyone brush away the millions of people who have absolutely no doubt about their experiences? It’s unlikely that all of them are mad. One of those nutters could easily be right. Only the arrogance of current science could think otherwise.
So, having accepted that idea, let’s build in some reasonable speculation. Might these unquantifiable experiences simply be kinks in the fabric of space or time? A breakdown in the loops of time that allows us briefly to see into one of the many intertwined universes? These parallel universes which we have agreed exist are unlikely to be perfect in format or even of regular size and shape. Not much else in life is. Nor are they likely to be uniform in strength or weakness. Where the weakness of one brushes the strength of the edge of another that kink could well create that glimmer of a sense of something intangible which we currently call a ghost.
It would seem inevitable that as time progresses and our understanding grows, ghosts will become the dragons of the Telepathic world. We always knew without doubt that something was there, but until specific knowledge of what that phenomenon is can be opened, nobody can precisely nail it down.
It would be ludicrous to just dismiss ghosts and ghouls as a trick of the mind. Time will one day reveal them for what they are.
My theorising has recently progressed into parallel universes being comprised more like mists than solids, which blend with and run through each other. Could it be that on death we slip from one Universe to the next, living in the same location but in a different physical state.